We've become aware of a few scenarios where the quick set-up wizard may present some failures on the loading process, such as getting stuck at 5%, 76%, 86% or even redirect you to the beginning of the process setting you on a loop.
In the following lines you'll find instructions on how to troubleshoot and behave in these cases
Troubleshooting options
Step 1: Connect to SynetoOS CLi
- Connect to SynetoOS CLI using SSH
- This operation can also be executed from the SynetoOS VM console available on the Hypervisor Web UI
Step 2: Verify Date and Time settings
after login as root insert the following input to gather appliance time settings
If the output of the above is not correct you can fix it with the following
(Feel free to replace the server address as needed)ntpdate 0.it.pool.ntp.org
Date must be correctly set in both SynetoOS and ESXI
- NTP configuration is required on the hypervisor with a local server address
Step 3: Check upstream internet connectivity
chmod +x /usr/share/syneto-edge/repo/check_ports.sh
sh /usr/share/syneto-edge/repo/check_ports.sh
Step 4: Verify Cluster Status
kubectl get pods
If nogetstput is shown, the cluster was not created in the setup process
Step 5: Log review
Grep process logs in order to have a better overview of the system activity
journalctl -fu syneto-diana
- Take a look on "status" output; if it is running you'll also be able to see completed process percentual, if status is Failed or isn't giving any output the process didn't compile
After following the above troubleshooting steps, you can apply the next two available workaround options
Scenario 1
Setpup does not surpass the 5-10% of the upload
Step 1:
Step 2: Populate the content in the template
- Explain the actions under this step
Step 3: Use the template in your article
- Explain the actions under this step
If the setup remains blocked at 5/10%
If the file /tmp/syneto-cluster-setup.lock
exists, then check the syneto-diana log in realtime. Logs should indicate progress, see image above.
ls /tmp/syneto-cluster-setup.lock
First, the temporary initial configuration file must be removed. Use absolute paths always! (starts with slash)
rm /tmp/syneto-cluster-setup.lock
Secondly, we destroy whatever infrastructure exists. We do factory reset!
/usr/share/syneto-edge/repo/destroy_infrastructure.sh --keep-images
IMPORTANT (for SynetoOS 5.1.4)
remains stuck if there is no cluster! You must edit the file to comment a line so it does not check for the cluster.
vi /usr/share/syneto-edge/repo/destroy_infrastructure.sh Press i
Scroll to the first line that starts with. Add #
#kubectl …
Next log to jobs DB via this command. Use absolute paths always! (starts with slash)
sqlite3 /tmp/syneto-toolbox-jobs.sqlite3
Once inside, a different screen will appear on the CLI, you will have to enter this command that deletes all jobs:
Exit this section and return to the classic CLI screen, and execute this command:
Wait for syneto-edge-update to finish. Time: 15-20 minutes.
If it has successfuly finished:
<missing image>
Check if the file below exists.
ls /var/storage/initial_setup
If the file exists, remove it.
rm /var/storage/initial_setup
Check the link of the syneto ssl configuration file.
ls -la /etc/nginx/conf.d/syneto-ssl.conf
If it points towards syneto-ssl.conf.before-syneto-setup - see image below, then you must change the symlink.
unlink /etc/nginx/conf.d/syneto-ssl.conf ln -s /etc/nginx/syneto-ssl.conf.after-syneto-setup /etc/nginx/conf.d/syneto-ssl.conf
Restart nginx:
systemctl restart nginx
Connect to the IP via browser!
Use the callout cards to highlight anything important about any of the steps mentioned above
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